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Virginia Cooperative Extension -
 Knowledge for the CommonWealth

New Crop and Livestock Budgets on the VCE Web Site

Farm Business Management Update, August 2001

By Gordon Groover

The farm business management staff and Jerry Swisher, Sue Puffenbarger, and Richard White have published the 2001-2002 crop and livestock budgets. Electronic copies of all budgets can be viewed and downloaded by going to the Virginia Cooperative Extension World Wide Web site (at To see the budgets, select "Educational Programs & Resources," then select "Farm Business Management & Marketing" and select "Budgets" from the list of resources. The budgets are listed under crop and livestock budget categories below.

Crop Budgets

Livestock Budgets

The budgets can be used as planning guides to assist farmers in making production and management decisions throughout the year. The budgets provide an estimate of all cash costs for selected crop and livestock enterprises. This information and the layout of the budgets can be used as a format to enter farm-level data as a starting point to evaluate alternatives crops or livestock enterprises. Possible uses of the budgets include

These examples help illustrate the some of the possible uses of budgets in making better management decisions.

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