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Virginia Cooperative Extension -
 Knowledge for the CommonWealth

Land Lease Survey Report for Southside Virginia Farm Business Management Update, April/May 2004

By Eric Eberly

A land lease survey was conducted during the fall of 2003. Over 2,500 surveys were mailed out to farmers and landowners in Southside Virginia. One hundred and forty-two useable surveys were received from the counties of Appomattox, Bedford, Brunswick, Campbell, and Franklin.

The results of the survey are summarized in the following table. Since the fair value of land rent varies from situation to situation, the information contained is intended for reference purposes only. For more information on farm land leasing, contact your Area Farm Business Management Extension Agent.

Land Leasing Survey Results for Southside Virginia
  Number of Responses Number of Acres / # Weighted Average $ Minimum $ Maximum $
Good Pasture 14 1,494 12.70 6.00 24.00
Average Pasture 39 3,765 10.75 1.34 29.00
Good Crop Land 19 682 18.90 7.75 46.00
Average Crop Land 33 2,465 18.06 7.15 35.00
Whole Farm per acre 25 2,593 22.89 6.00 65.12
Flue-cured Tobacco per lb. 12 12,724* 0.33 0.25 0.45
*Responses in which the farm land was rented at no cost were not included in these calculations.

Other information relating to the surveys is as follows:

  1. 49% of the surveys were from landlords, 51% from tenants.
  2. Just over 22% of the leases reported were to family members.
  3. Only 31% of the leases were written leases.
  4. Of the written leases, 75% were for one year.
  5. In over 89% of the leases reported, the tenant was responsible for weed control, brush hogging, minor fence repair, and fertilizer and lime applications.

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