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Virginia Cooperative Extension -
 Knowledge for the CommonWealth

Performance of Commercial Insecticides Against Potato Leafhopper

Crop and Soil Environmental News, July 1999

R. R. Youngman, C. A. Laub, T. P. Kuhar, and T. A. Dellinger
Department of Entomology

The following tables show results of several commercial insecticides that we have evaluated against potato leafhopper on alfalfa in Virginia. In most cases, insecticides significantly reduced potato leafhopper numbers below that of the untreated check. Those insecticides that consistently gave superior control of potato leafhopper nymphs and adults for approximately 14 to 21 days after treatment (DAT) include: Baythroid 2E, Warrior T 1CS (= Karate 2.09CS), Lorsban 4E, Pounce 3.2EC, and Furadan 4F.

The last table lists performance ratings of commercial insecticides reported in potato leafhopper efficacy trials from other alfalfa producing states, as well as Virginia, for the period from 1993-1997. This information is published annually by the Entomological Society of America in Arthropod Management Tests. We rated insecticides as either excellent (E), good (G), fair (F), or poor (P) depending on how well they controlled potato leafhopper nymphs and adults compared to their respective controls for up to three weeks.

1998 Insecticide Efficacy Trial; Montgomery Co., Virginia
TreatmentRate (lb AI/ac) Potato leafhoppers/10 sweeps
(13 Jul)
(17 Jul)
10 DAT
(23 Jul)
15 DAT
(28 Jul)
23 DAT
(5 Aug)
Baythroid 2E0.012513.00.6b*1.0b0.6c1.6c
Furadan 4F0.512.00.0b0.0b0.6c1.0c
Lannate 2.4LV0.913.60.0b1.0b5.6b8.0b
Lorsban 4E0.513.60.0b0.6b1.6c3.0bc
Warrior T 1CS0.01515.01.0b0.6b0.0c1.6c
Check (untreated) --10.02.6a29.0a33.0a47.6a
*Means within a column followed by the same letter are not significantly different; LSD (P > 0.05).

1997 Insecticide Efficacy Trial; Montgomery Co., Virginia
TreatmentRate (lb AI/ac) Potato leafhoppers/10 sweeps
(18 July)
(23 July)
10 DAT
(28 July)
15 DAT
(2 Aug.)
20 DAT
(7 Aug.)
24 DAT
(11 Aug.)
Baythroid 2E0.0259.00.0c1.6c2.0de4.0c2.6de
Dimethoate 4EC0.5015.61.6b6.0b13.0c6.0bc7.4c
Furadan 4F0.5011.01.6b3.0bc21.6b13.0b14.6b
Karate 2.09CS0.02512.60.0c1.6c1.0e4.0bc1.0e
Pounce 3.2EC0.1014.00.0c1.6c12.6c8.6bc6.6cd
Pounce 3.2EC0.1513.60.0c1.6c9.0c7.4bc6.0cd
Pounce 3.2EC0.2012.00.0c0.6c3.0de2.6c6.0cd
Check (untreat.)--8.613.6a35.6a87.0a77.0a98.0a

1996 Insecticide Efficacy Trial; Montgomery Co., Virginia
TreatmentRate (lb AI/ac) Potato leafhoppers/10 sweeps
(29 July)
(02 Aug)
(06 Aug)
12 DAT
(10 Aug)
Baythroid 2E0.0287.00.6b0.6b0.6b
Dimethoate 4EC0.55.60.0b0.0b1.6b
Furadan 4F0.58.60.6b0.0b2.0b
Karate 1E0.0256.00.6b0.6b0.0b
Penncap-M 2FM0.56.01.6b0.0b3.0b
Check (untreated)--5.67.6a6.6a10.0a

1994 Insecticide Efficacy Trial; Montgomery Co., Virginia
TreatmentRate (lb AI/ac) Potato leafhoppers/10 sweeps
(05 July)
(08 July)
11 DAT
(12 July)
15 DAT
(16 July)
21 DAT
(22 July)
Ambush 2E0.20.3b1.3b2.0b3.3b2.3b
Dimethoate 4EC0.50.0b1.0b1.5b4.5b1.5b
Imidan 2.5EC1.00.5b1.5b2.5b4.3b3.0b
Check (untreated)--21.8a19.0a23.3a29.3a31.3a

Performance of Commercial Insecticides for Control of Potato Leafhopper.
Data from ESA Arthropod Management Tests: 1993-97.
InsecticideNo. of testsInsecticide performance ratinga (approx. 14-21 DAT)
Ambush 2E7  E,E,E,E,E,E,G
Baythroid 2E21  E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E
Dimethoate 4EC22  E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,G,G,G,G,G,F
Furadan 4F10  E,E,E,E,E,G,G,G,F,P
Imidan 2.5EC5  E,E,G,G,G
Lorsban 4E14  E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,G,G,F,F
Penncap-M 2F6  E,E,E,E,E,F
Pounce 3.2EC27  E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,G,G,G,F
Sevin XLR Plus5  E,E,E,E,F
Warrior/Karate22  E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,E,G,F
a "E" = excellent; "G" = good; "F" = fair; "P" = poor

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